#52, 6th Cross, 8th Main, HAL III Stage, Bangalore - 560 075

From Principal's Desk

The primary focus of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth. It is the one constant in our lives. It helps an individual develop holistically so that they may tackle the challenges the world throws at them. For a young child, a school provides an excellent opportunity to learn and develop in a simulated yet controlled environment. A school is but a mimickry of the world.

At the Indiranagar Cambridge School, we believe in preparing our students for the real world. We not only impart knowledge in the form of Mathematics, Sciences and Languages, but we also equip them with emotional and social skills through various competitons, activities and sports. We incuclate within our students, critical and creative thinking while fostering a curious mindset. Afterall, educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. Our mission cannot be completed without the cooperation of the parents, who trust us to aide in the growth of their children.

We, the staff at ICS mould and guide our students with love, care, kindness and a little bit of strictness, to ensure that when they graduate from our school they are ready to spread their wings and soar.

"Every student can learn, just not on the same day or in the same way" - George Evans