#52, 6th Cross, 8th Main, HAL III Stage, Bangalore - 560 075


'Expressions' 2018 at The Indiranagar Cambridge School was a true extravagance of talent. It was a perfect platform for the students of all ages (Pre-KG - Grade 10) to showcase their abundant talent. As audience we were awestruck amazed by the gamete of talent displayed by the students. The performance that included dances, colourful rendition of songs & instrumental pieces, magic shows, puppetry, standup comedy, mimicry, monoacting, mime, dominoes run had all mesmerized. 'Expressions 2018' witnessed an overwhelming responses, visible excitement and energy from the students. The participants had to go through the grueling, competitive, but fun-filled qualifying rounds to reach the finals. It was indeed a difficult task for the judges with each amazing talent matching up to the order in quality and performance. Having enjoyed this experience thoroughly; the students now look forward for the next edition of 'Expressions of ICS'.