#52, 6th Cross, 8th Main, HAL III Stage, Bangalore - 560 075

International Yoga Day

The Ancient Indian Tradition of Yoga received an international platform with the declaration of 21 June as World Yoga Day by our Prime Minister in 2015. Yoga symbolizes the “union” of the mind and the body. A practice that brings man closer to nature; a holistic approach for better health and wellbeing.
At Indiranagar Cambridge school, World yoga Day began with a special assembly which highlighted the importance of Yoga and its benefits. Students prepared charts and write up about yoga which were mounted on the notice boards.
Class wise yoga performance was conducted in the assembly ground. The benefit of each asana was explained to the students by the Yoga Instructor. The asanas included Chakrasana, Shalabhasana, Bhujangasana, etc. Students also performed Suryanamaskar. The day culminated with a Yoga Session by teachers- conducted by Ms Nidha.
Principal's Quote: "Yoga transcends mind body and soul with a state of tranquility."